Written by Keith Foster Keith Foster

Prince Maurice’s Dragoones 2015 Season

Once again, our Kindly Editor, Keith Foster, has provided a brief overview of the last season.  Keith and Bob Hollins seem to have attended more events than anyone else in the Regiment once again!

Basing House - April

Well I did Say that I probably would not do Basing. It just goes to show that you should not believe everything I say (or print).

We picked up a new member at the start of the year and Basing seemed like the ideal starting point.  Having served in the armed forces and a war-gamer I think that he quickly realised that these had not prepared him for the chaos, noise and smoke that is a Sealed Knot battle.  Welcome to the regiment, Phil Olley! 

Newark - May

The first of four good turnouts of 2015 with elements of Maurice’s occupying the Queen’s sconce both day and night (well at night it was just Chris).   A good showing from the public as well.  The museum, for whom the event was publicity, eventually opened while we were visiting the pub next door and they very kindly sent someone round to let us know.

Stanford Hall – May

Don’t remember the battle so much - perhaps someone else remembers enough to write about it.  But we had a good evening sat around the camp fire and I spent some time looking for a fourteen year old girl.  No! No! No!  We were on guard duty and she had gone missing, although it turned out she was not lost just fallen out with mum and dad.  Managed to squeeze 23 into the tent for the evening social on the other night.  Good job I had bought the extension.

Naseby – June

Relatively uneventful I thought, again good numbers on the field and a few even turned up for Maurice’s breakfast club.  Quite a long march to a field in the middle of nowhere to spend the afternoon fighting uphill.

Hereford - July

Just a one-day event in support of Hereford's history day and friends of the castle (I think).  Unusually for this single day event there was camping available both Friday and Saturday.

I took along one of the regimental soldiers' tents and Saturday added it to the small collection of 4-5 on the castle grounds.  Bob and I manned the tent from about 10am talking to the public about our equipment, the civil war and the SK.  I think that we only stopped talking when we were called to arms.  After lunch there was a small skirmish which did not go at all to script the wrong side won which left the commentator a little non-plussed.

Sheffield - August

Just Bob and I supporting this event for the regiment, but a good show on the whole.  A good crowd which unfortunately disappeared in about 30 seconds when the rain came down, pity the shower only lasted a minute.  We played the last 10 minutes to a depleted but appreciative audience.

Chester – August

Another good turnout and I really enjoyed Chester despite the 3 long marches.  As we marched through the street it reminded me of times gone by when we regularly marched into town.  There were certainly plenty of bystanders who enjoyed the spectacle.  Sore feet yes, but I would do it again.  Two good battles and we had some fun both days with plenty of Bangs (well most of us sorry Bob).  As with Newark having the battle immediately adjacent to the town was a real plus for the audience.

Bradgate Park – September

What a great location.  Not sure if the steady stream of public had come to see us or the scenery but LH had plenty of visitors, a good crowd developed for the skirmish and stayed for a chat afterwards as well.  I understand that next year is already in negotiation for the same weekend.

Falkland Palace - September

I did not make it this year but it is a regular on the calendar and although it may not make it into Orders of the Day every year, it is appearing more often than in the past.  A popular event for the local members, Dave Ingram and family appeared in some of the photographs and reportedly enjoyed themselves thoroughly.  Always enjoyed this one in the past so maybe 2016.

Bovington – September

Worth it just for the tank museum (if you are interested).  Bob and I were joined by John and Lesley Addis the battle was a set piece, lots of bangs, ran out of powder.  Once again we assisted Parliament (Nice red coats, gentlemen).

This was a small multi period event with American Civil War and Napoleonics.  One or two of the French Napoleonics looked rather fetching in their tight white trousers - did you know they allow ladies in the ranks as well?

Edgehill – October

Joined the lone KG musketeer and other assorted musket (mainly Royalist) to make up the left wing of musket for Parliament.  Being furthest from the public meant that there was plenty of over acting and a lot of good humoured hand to hand.  As to our volleys we gave no quarter, despite being a mixed bunch, the volleys were cracking unlike those from our “Royalist” opposition which were sporadic at best.   Probably a bit too much hand to hand for Bob, but good fun all the same.

Nice pint of cider/beer at the beer festival, so might be tempted to go for both days next time and be less worried about weather and powder.  But if the band is like last year ear plugs might be in order!